

(Indie, Pop, Rock & Elektro)

May 13 – 17 / 2024 AND July 3-5 / 2024 (subject to change)

Music videos and audio visuals on social media have become a very important facet of the music industry and THE common tool for artist promotion. But which possibilities are there? How do music videos work and how can I represent my artist persona best? How can I create interesting content on a modest budget? As digital filming becomes a more user-friendly and affordable option, it is essential for up and coming bands and new artists to gain filmmaking skills.

In the last twenty-five years, Stephanie von Beauvais has created music promos and shot both commercials and documentaries with a wide range of budgets, including artists like the Beatsteaks, Marteria, Tocotronic, Turbostaat and many more. Now for the ninth time, she offers an intensive Workshop on both, the theoretical and practical aspects of shooting your own video.

The workshop is funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH and requires no attendance fee. Catering, travel- or accommodation expenses are not included, neither any additional hygiene measures besides officially required. The participants are selected by a defined jury only. The jury’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Application via e-mail only.

You may participate due to a general interest of the topic or because you are responsible for an actual project. Indeed, every participant is invited to work on their own video – either it has been already shot or it is in process of planning. You should bring some experience in the field of being a music artist who wants to express themself audiovisually, but there are no professional filming skills required.

For the shooting of their own video, the workshop even offers a financial aid of 300€ each, to 8 bands within the participants, who will be selected by the jury only.

Special: due to a collaboration with Zeitgeist Irland 24, three Berlin based irish bands/artists will not only receive the financial support of 300€ each for their video shoot, but can also perform live and screen their video at Berlin Most Wanted:Music LIVE in November 24. Those artists are also selected by the jury only.


terms of application

Future participants can apply via e-mail only and need to fulfill the following conditions:

  • You, or the band/artist you are shooting videos for have already started a professional career in the music business.
  • you and your band/artist are mainly based in Berlin. The band’s / musician’s music genre is either indie, rock, pop or electro – due to other funding possibilities jazz and classical music cannot be taken into account.
  • you developed your OWN song along with an idea for a music video, which you will shoot and finish during the workshop: then you can additionally apply for the financial aid of € 300.-
  • you are available on ALL dates to attend the workshop all-day and are prepared to shoot your video during the weeks in between.


  • you have already shot a video but are not satisfied with the result and are willing to either shoot more with a better understanding or reedit the clip.
  • you are available on ALL dates to attend the workshop all-day and are prepared to shoot your video during the weeks in between.


  • you are generally keen on getting knowledge on the topic but you have no actual project during the period of the workshop. Then you will participate in the first phase.

The workshop will be held for around 16 participants, with max. 2 persons per project/band. The participants are chosen by the jury only. 8 bands/artists of these will receive the financial aid of € 300.- to shoot their own video within the workshop – if they applied for it and are chosen by the jury. Still each participant is invited to bring their footage to work on during the second phase of the workshop.



The application window is closed. Thank you for the numerous applications! The jury has met and finally decided. It was not easy, but we are happy to announce the following participants:

with financial aid:
Pretty Average
Kinova X
Like Mint
Ruth Mac

without financial aid:
Sweet Potato Gentleman
Lisa Uebel

Huge congrats to all !
The jury’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Please send everything in ONE e-mail, not bigger than 5MB.

  • information about yourself and/or the band/artist (pdf or Link)
  • a brief overview about your connection to the topic: e.g.: you have already shot a video but are not satisfied or are generally keen to learn all about it, then please explain why or which aspects in particular.
  • a link to your music and possibly already existing videos or social media. please note: the band’s / musician’s music genre is either indie, rock, pop or electro – due to other funding possibilities jazz and classical music cannot be taken into account.
  • a proof that you and your band/artist are mainly based in Berlin (eg. ID or certificate of registration, with unnecessary details blacked out)
  • reliable information, how many of you will participate (max. 2 persons per band/project)


  • a song, made by yourself or the band/artist you are shooting videos for (mp3 only)
  • a music video treatment for this song (pdf)

If you don’t agree on a publication of your and/or your bands’ name on this website, or other media related to the project, in case of a selection for this workshop, please let us know in your application.


  • remarkableness of your music
  • visible interest and devotedness to shoot your own video

For the financial aid:

  • a strong video idea
  • a feasible treatment

The selection is being made by a defined jury. The jury’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


The jury members are

Maxi Menot
Music producer, winner of the Female Producer Prize 22, co founder of Track 15, Female Composer Kollektiv. www.maximenot.de

Anita Richelli

Booker and curator of the Most Wanted:Musik Live selection

Stephanie von Beauvais

music video director and workshop leader


Announcement of workshop participants

by April, 18, 2024 latest, via e-mail to the selected participants and on this website (subject to change)


Workshop dates and topics

6.5.2024 Video-Coaching Session with all participants how to develop your artist identity and present it in a music video and social media

13.5.-17.5.2024 WORKSHOP PART 1 (subject to change)

DAYS 1–3 | 13.5. – 15.5.2024 10am-5pm
Intensive workshop with Stephanie von Beauvais on basic film know how and the approach to music clips. Practical experience with a wide range of low budget camera and lighting equipment.

DAY 4 | 16.5.2024 10am-5pm
Introduction to aspects of montage and post production that should be considered while shooting, online music marketing and the realisation of barrier-free videos.

Then the participants rework autonomously on their own treatment.

DAY 5 | 17.5.2024 10am-5pm
Participant’s presentation of their music video treatment with following individual practical advice.

BETWEEN 18.5. – 2.7.2024
Self organized shooting of their own video by the participants.

3.7. – 5.7.2024 WORKSHOP PART 2 (subject to change)

DAYS 1 & 2 | 3.7. /4.7. 2024 10am-5pm
Montage-workshop and editing of the footage on own devices under supervision of Stephanie and an expert on post production.

DAY 3 | 5.7.2024
Final post production with Stephanie and the expert.

Autonomous finishing of their videos by the participants along with further online coachings by Stephanie and the post production expert.

End of August: Cinema screening of the finished music videos and get together with the participants, their crew and workshop-supporters: exact date and venue tba.

The workshop is initiated and conducted by Stephanie von Beauvais and is funded by the Musicboard Berlin GmbH. The venue will be announced soon.

Special: due to a collaboration with Zeitgeist Irland 24, three Berlin based irish bands/artists will not only receive the financial support of 300€ each for their video shoot, but can also perform live and screen their video at Berlin Most Wanted:Music LIVE in November 24. Those artists are also selected by the jury only.
